Wednesday, 1 August 2012

A night to remember, London baby.

Ok so as the world is aware (how could you not be, at least in England 99% of media and advertising have managed to relate themselves to it, London is the home of the 2012 Olympics. I am not going to talk about that (but if I was i'd say watch the gymnastics).

So it was my best friends birthday, a Thursday night and after driving to Shoreditch (bad idea and we were very late) we started at the Cat and Mutton pub (take a look at them here) for Pimms and Pints. This area of London is tres cool for trendy East London types and the park area, London fields was literally teaming with hipsters and party goes, with some fires and stuff, great atmosphere, really friendly, especially considering it's a dark park in London. The pub itself has a good atmosphere and i'm told their menu isn't bad either.

So moving on we walked (my friends quote of the night was 15 minutes, nothing ever was 15 minutes) a bit more than 15 minutes to the Dalston Superstore club on Kingsland High Street. (find them here) This was another place for those cool cats but really fun. Was chatting to an American names Hosé a bit after screaming and pointing in a fairly drunk and embarassing manner because I loved his red polka dot jumper. It was vintage, and made him look like a lady bug, and then he wanted to know what my name was. A good atmosphere but not a big place, I think better with just one or two friends than a larger group (there were 7 of us).

Finally we moved on to G.A.Y Heaven, for those of you that know it needs no introduction. For those that don't its a giant gay club by Charring Cross station, near Trafalgar Square. After quite, what I assume was long but was too drunk to notice, bus ride from East to Central London we were just in time for the final of 'Porn Idol'. Basically a competition who can get the most cheers, you see lots of semi naked men (and a few women) and we did in fact see the finalists penis. In all honesty, if I had a penis that small I wouldn't get it out on stage in front of a packed audience. Anyway, we partied until gone 4 am, until the birthday boy got thrown out for being too drunk. He tried to convince us into Soho, but we were all pooped after an early start on the drinking, and we had to make it back to Enfield (farrrr) to stay at his house. (I went to bed at 7 in the end).

So, a brief round up of our big night out in LDN, watch out for the next post, documenting the hangover day in which we forced ourselves into a bit of culture in the city. Think street food and Bauhaus.


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